Ease Cash is the new name for the banned and blacklisted rogue digital lending app, EasyMoni and is now fully hosted and registered on the largest internet network, Google! Borrowers Beware!

Ease Cash: EasyMoni changes name after Google ban, beware!
EasyMoni the rogue digital lending app that was banned and blacklisted by Google weeks ago has changed name to Ease Cash in order to escape and continue fleecing innocent Nigerian borrowers. The digital lending app is now fully reregistered as Ease Cash on Google Play Store.
EasyMoni got a terrible reputation for threatening and shaming its customers at any slight loan default or disagreement. The digital lending app is found of terrorising and blackmailing Nigerian borrowers for a long while and has been in violation of customer data privacy. It has now found its way back to the giant tech network as Ease Cash.
QUICK LOAN ARENA hereby warns borrowers and customers to beware of this notorious lending app so as to avoid sad tales of public disgrace which the EasyMoni is known for.
We have found out in our previous reports that EasyMoni digital lending app, now called Ease Cash is owned and managed by loan sharks from China and Hong Kong. It neither has an office nor telephone here in Nigeria but found of sending threat to any customer who dare incur its wrath of defaulting it very high interest loans and unfavourable conditions attached.
Please be warned. EasyMoni is back as Ease Case. See the photo below as it is on Google Play Store.
Ease Cash lending app is now fully registered on Google Play, AND YOU MAY CONFIRM BY CLICKING HERE.
1 Comment
Good riddance to bad rubbish