Some customers and borrowers of LCredit loan platforms have been reaching to QUICK LOAN ARENA (QLA), the leading loan apps in Nigeria review website, accusing the digital loan platform of threatening their lives over due and unpaid loans they collected from the app.

The customers were responding to an earlier article we published titled LCredit Still Threatening, Blackmailing Customers, Contacts After Google Play Ban where we accused the quick loan platform of continuing to threaten and blackmail its customers even after it was banned by Google Play Store.
Find below threatening complaints against LCredit by their customers:
Customer 1, Lara Cries Out Against LCredit, Says Loan App After HerLife
I could not sleep or do anything again .plz help a soul ooo I don’t know what to do again am scared oooo all my contacts is very important to me plz help me
Customer 3, Anonymus Says LCredit Wants Him To Commit Suicide
Good evening please LCredit have want me to commit suicide I’m owing them 60,000 and I told them to allow me to be paying small but they said no I must pay it all at once and they have started calling most of my contacts telling them i am a frudster that I’m owing them and that if i did not pay they will come and arrest me .
Please LCredit are after my life. There’s this lady from there threatening me. I can drop her number. I borrowed 17k and was told am to repay #25,580. She’s still disturbing me as we speak.
It’s not even like I won’t pay them, but they should try and understand people and give us more time. But they won’t listen and they keep adding late fee to it. Kindly help me out coz I don’t have no money right now. I’m helpless
09015033842 this is her number
Customer 2, Olajumoke Says LCredit After Her Life